Saturday 10 May 2014

Digital Media


the last assignment for digital media was to create a walk-through animation of the public space we created for design.

The mistake i did was that my lighting was too bright and because of this most of the details cannot be seen.

Friday 9 May 2014


Project 3

week 8- week 14

for our design final project was to create an open space for marvel animation studios in empire damsara's jewel entertainment box.

the first thing to do was a site analysis

 this is the site analysis of the jewel entertainment box. here contains the swot factors, site features, amenities and lot of info of the site.

After the Singapore trip we were asked to create a photo montage of the EXCITEMENT of  the Singapore trip and the universal studios.

This is the final presentation board for design which includes the floor plans sections, elevations, ideation and information of my Marvel public space which is called Heroes in the making. As you would be able to see the making of marvel heroes from their history to how to animate them and to experience the super hero powers.

We were also asked to make a study model for the space we created, in 1:75 scale.

Ground floor of the model.

 first floor of the model


The next i-CON

Week 10- week 14

For the final project of minor we were given to design a reception counter for our space in design.

This was the final presentation for minor subject, of the reception counter.

Communication and Visualisation

Relief Model

week 7 to week 9

For the design assignment we visited empire damansara and we were asked to create a 3D relief model of the design buildings façade.

Week 8
We were asked to create an A2 size Sample presentation board. So I Googled an interesting house and got some information on it to create this board. In this assignment marks were not given for info, but the layout of the presentation board.

Week 10

We were instructed to produce an individual presentation board for the group work we did, The Book shelf.


RE-USE workshop

week 5 to week 9

The second project of minor was to design and create a book shelf from all recycled materials which is portable in 1:1 scale which can fit at least 100 books... Yeap! that's exactly what it means, a real life size furniture. This project was very interesting for me as I like carpentry ablot :D

My group members were Vijay, Jiessi , Hadis and Myself. So we came up with an idea to use tyres and pallet for this furniture.

This was our first idea and finished our model, with a seating area.

All of us happily posing proud of our furniture. But later lecturer pointed out some mistakes we did in the furniture, like the fact that it is too big, heavy and very bulky. So we were asked to improve the furniture. so the next Saturday we improved our furniture and the final out come was this:

what we did was we cut like one quarter of it, keeping the seating area.

As you can see this furniture is very comfortable to sit and read :P

The final presentation board of Minor.

Communication and Visualisation

Rapid Visualisation 

Week 4

we were given to visualise the process of making the chair in minor class and produce one A2 paper. 

This rapid visualisation shows the construction methods, materials I used for the well tempered chair

Week 5

For this week we had to visualise the technology lesson we learned that week, which was Air conditioning unit. So we were asked to draw any type of A/C unit in exploded view and label it.

This the A2 size rapid visualisation that I produced.

week 6

We were instructed to produce an A1 size rapid visualisation of the traditional food we eat on special occasions. This was the last Rapid Visualisation exercise given. 

So this is what I came up with. These are the food I eat on the Eid occasions. To all Maldivians reading, "i knowww!!  that this is not "traditional " maldivian food, but what else was i suppose to draw? 'garudiya' and 'bai'??"

Digital Media

Miniature Furniture

week 1 to week 6

The selected chair for minor had to be done in 3Ds Max for Digital Media subject.
this was our fist time to learn and model anything in 3Ds Max.

This is the presentation board submitted on week 6, the pictures of the chairs are all 3ds Max modeled

Thursday 8 May 2014


Starter pack

Week  1- Week 4

The Well Transparent Chair.

for this project we were asked to a research on chairs that were made by the designers who were born in or after 1900's, and select a chair that blends in with our style of design. after the selection we had to produce a miniature version of the chair, in 1:100 scale.
The chair I chose was the Well Transparent Chair by Ron Arad.