Friday 9 May 2014

Communication and Visualisation

Rapid Visualisation 

Week 4

we were given to visualise the process of making the chair in minor class and produce one A2 paper. 

This rapid visualisation shows the construction methods, materials I used for the well tempered chair

Week 5

For this week we had to visualise the technology lesson we learned that week, which was Air conditioning unit. So we were asked to draw any type of A/C unit in exploded view and label it.

This the A2 size rapid visualisation that I produced.

week 6

We were instructed to produce an A1 size rapid visualisation of the traditional food we eat on special occasions. This was the last Rapid Visualisation exercise given. 

So this is what I came up with. These are the food I eat on the Eid occasions. To all Maldivians reading, "i knowww!!  that this is not "traditional " maldivian food, but what else was i suppose to draw? 'garudiya' and 'bai'??"

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