Saturday 27 September 2014


Experiencing Culture

For the experiencing culture module, the Countries me and my classmates visited were France and England. As it was a short trip we visited the capital of each country.
So this was our trip to Paris and London for excursion for 10 days. 

Our flight departure time was 730 pm of 12 September, this made 11th and 12th a very busy day getting ready for the trip. As the temperature of these two cities were significantly lower than our tropical climate, I needed to buy a thick jacket and sweaters. After this was the packing, packing was stressful, "Are these clothes going to be enough?" "Did I miss anything?" "I hope these toiletries doesn't spill" "Did I already pack it?" "Did I miss something?"

The Journey for the whole trip began as I left my apartment to get to airport. Everyone was supposed to meet at 4pm in Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA). To get to the airport I took the KLIA transit and reached airport just around 4 *phew*

When I got there everyone was so excited. why wouldn't we be? It was everyone's first time going on a trip to Europe! :D After everyone reached the airport it was our time to check in our luggage and get the boarding passes. 

It was not a direct a flight, we first need to transit in Dubai and from Dubai to Paris.

The first leg of our flight was 5h30mins. When we landed at Dubai airport it was around 2245. The next flight to Paris was 0410 in the morning, Dubai time. so we had around 5 hours to kill. After the long 5 hours it was finally time to board the flight to Paris! :D

DAY 1 

It was around 930 am in Paris time when we landed to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris. It was a long queue at immigration before we could exit the airport. From the airport we took a bus ride to reach the train station. We spent like an hour on the bus, the first thing i noticed different about the French people was that how relaxed they all were. They were not in a hurry, you can see most of the people walking, riding a bike or even on skate boards. You could see people sitting in benches talking, or walking their dogs, it was very different from what i have experienced before.  

After the bus reached the train station, we got onto the train to got the Eiffel Tower, at this point we were still with our luggage, since we had a reservation made to go to the 2nd floor of Eiffel tower, and if we went to hotel and left our bags there, we would not be able to reach there on time. The train stop we took to get the Eiffel tower was Bir- Hakeim on metro line 6 and just after a short walk from the train station we reached the Eiffel tower.

The Eiffel tower is the one of the iconic places in Paris. It is named after the architect who built it, Gustave Eiffel. It was built in 1889 for the world fair. The main structure is made from wrought iron.To reach the 2nd floor of the tower we took a lift that goes diagonally. When we reached the top, it was breathtaking. We could see the whole city of Paris.

After taking in the amazing views on top of the Eiffel tower, we got down by using the stairs. It was a whole other experience, going down 600 steps. After getting down the Eiffel tower we took some pictures of the tower with us in the nearby garden area.

After visiting the tower we stayed around the area for awhile before we headed back to our hotel. We took the metro and stopped at Place d'Italie, and after getting out from the station the hotel was just in front of us. After getting to the hotel, I fell asleep as soon as I got to my room, tired but excited about the next day's adventures.

Day 2

I woke up around 730 and got some breakfast from the shop next door, It was the first time i got to experience the self checkout counters. The first place we visited on the second day was Notre Dame. It was the largest cathedral in France in the 13th Century. The Cathedral is true Gothic architecture. It was a really an Honor to see one of the first examples of the flying buttresses. Some of the gargoyles were defaced due to weather and time. 
The Ornate Facade of the Notre Dame

Rose windows, another feature of the Gothic architecture

The Bell Tower

The Pointed windows of Gothic architecture

The pinnacles

After this we went to the Pont Neuf. we saw some of the love locks that was locked on the bridge, makes one wonder how many people have visited here before us. It was amazing how the whole railing was full of different types of locks.

The Next place we visited after this was the musee de lourve. This place is not only a museum but also an architectural landmark. we entered to the museum through the glass pyramid. Most of the museum was underground. Through out the whole museum we were able to see a lot of master pieces and arts of different centuries.  We also had the joy of seeing the wonderful painting, Mona Lisa.

After the museum we went to another museum named Pompidou Centre. This museum specializes in modern art. Even the architecture of the building is very high-tech. Everything is kept at its basic form. To enter in to pompidou you need get tickets, 10 Euro each.

After seeing the museum we called it a day and went back to the hotel. It was a wonderful day, seeing all those places you only see from pictures, finally seeing from your own eyes. :) 


On day 3 The first place we visited was the Villa Savoye. This house shows us the 5 points of architecture that we have learned. It was quite a nice feeling to experience a mile stone in Architecture.
Villa Savoye was designed by Le Corbusier. This house shows the modern movement in architecture. The way that the house is raised on pilotis, gives an illusion of floating. The house is designed with no abstract design with exterior of white color giving it purity and simplicity. The ribbon windows floods the house with light.

After experiencing the house the next place we visited was the Arc de Triomphe. This was one of the famous monuments in paris. It is built in honor to those who fought and died in the French revolution and Napoleon Wars.

After spending sometime to observe the arch, we went to the art street of paris. There we saw several interesting graffiti. We were even able to go it to an art shop, meet the artist and experience his very well done 3D arts

After the street art we went to see the Eiffel tower at night. I have always seen the pictures of the Eiffel tower lit at night and it was beautiful, so i couldn't wait to see the amazing tower with my own eyes.
It was a beautiful sight, the flashing lights makes you feel like its a dream. We stayed for a hour or so there after the light show began. We all headed back to hotel because it was late, not because we got fed up looking at the beautiful sight.
I slept both excited and terrified that night because next day we are going to Disney Land!!


We arrived Disney Land just a few minutes before 10, as it was a very big place we did our home work and found the most awesome (scariest) rides there. For me almost all the rides were the same. First I would be all nervous, my hands and feet will get cold, and while waiting in the queue I'll hate my friends for dragging me into the rides. When i get into rides ill hold on to my seat as hard as i could and scream till my throat hurts. And when each ride is finished ill have this feeling of being alive. :P Really makes you appreciate that you are alive. To sum up, it was a fun day. :D I would definitely do it again--- If there is someone dragging me to :P

After all the rides were closed, we waited for the closing ceremony of Disney Land. I wasn't expecting much, as i didn't know much about the closing ceremony. When the show started i was shocked by how grand it was. The very well choreographed movie scenes projected to the castle, with musics, fire works and laser show. It really was great way to end our trip in Paris.

DAY 5  

Day 5 began by checking out from the hotel at 10 am. After this we headed to the train station. We filled our immigration forms passed the immigration counter and boarded the train to London. We departed around 1015 from Gare du Nord Station and reached London in about 2 and half hours at St Pancras Station. After reaching London we headed to our hostel, Generator hostel. The hostel was much nicer and stylish than i pictured in my head. The staff was very friendly and it was very nice environment to be in. 
After checking in we freshen up a bit and went out to the convent Garden and ate our first meal in London. We had Fish and chips, which deserves to be mentioned here, It was really good. 

After eating we went to the Lyceum Theatre to see LION KING. This was my first experience of a theatrical performance, and i would have to say, It blew my mind. The way that the characters are brought back to life, the way that they create each set just using minimal yet creative ways. I would recommend everyone to see this show, even if you are not a fan of lion king, you would surely fall in love with it after watching this performance.
Everyone so excited to see the show. 


The first place we visited on day 6 was the science museum. In here we saw the earliest steam engines, We have learned about this in history and i didn't even think it could be that huge. In the museum they displayed the original engines, and how they progressed to the engines we see today. The museum also had a special area for space, where they displayed astronaut suits, model of rocket ships. Each floor had a different theme to it and things people can experience with the use of of interactive displays.

After the museum we went for a little shopping in London. We started from the Piccadilly circus, where i bought some souvenirs to take back home. We even managed to get a glimpse of some street performers dancing. Next we went to the convent garden but sadly almost of the shops was closed for the day


 To begin day 7 we went to the Buckingham palace to see the guard changing ceremony. We waited there for an almost hour before they started the ceremony. There were lots of people waiting to see the ceremony.

 After Buckingham palace we went to a kids center, called discovery. There architecture and ideas were very different, Most of the things in this placed is inspired by the kids ideas. So everything looks very wild and exciting. The idea of the place is to give power to an alien ship with the participation of the kids. It is not a day care but more like a playing and learning place with their parents.
The broken space ship that the kids need to give power to

Kids need to make up their own story to give power to the space ship

From a kids idea, where he wanted to slide out from a monster

After the Discover we went for a walk in the queen Elizabeth Olympic park. From around here you see a different London, Mainly in London you see many historical buildings and architecture. but around here we saw very modern, futuristic structures

After the park, we went for a heritage walk, where we saw the Big Ben, London eye and the Westminster Abbey.


The first place we went was the harry potter trail. We went to the kings cross station, platform 9 3/4 and took some pictures going through the platform wall. There was also a shop where you can get harry potter stuff. Seeing the wands and everything they sell in the shop makes you feel like it is all real.

After this we went to the Emirates stadium and went through their shop.
After the stadium we headed to the Tate Modern. Tate modern is a modern art gallery. In here we saw a lot of modern art pieces, which would leave you thinking.  

After Exploring the museum we went to the London Tower bridge.

After the tower bridge we went to the south bank market where we got some food to eat. The food was delicious. After eating we went in to the Royal Festival Centre to experience the space and see the architecture of the interior space.


Before going out we packed our bags and checked out from the hostel and left our luggage in the store room of the hostel.
As this was the last day in London we did a little shopping this day. First we went to the Portobello Market, This market place was filled with antiques. I have never seen so much people gathered in one place in London. After a little shopping we went to abbey street to see the Beatles zebra cross :P It was fun trying to take pictures between the traffic and shows how much people still loves the Beatles.

After the abbey road we went for some more shopping in the Oxford Street. This was a whole different experience, shop after shop you can find anything you want from clothes, perfumes, make up, shoes, etc... all the branded shops just waiting for you.

After a long day of shopping we went back to hostel to collect our luggage to leave london :'(

At around 730 we left our hostel and got to the bus station, where we would go back to paris to catch our flight back to Kuala Lumpur.
 The bus departed from london around 1130 pm.

DAY 10

Aah, the traveling day.We were still in bus till 930 in the morning. It took about 10 hours in the bus. I wasn't able to get much sleep in the bus though, maybe i was too sad to leave the fun trip we just had.
After reaching paris we headed to the airport in the train, and waited in the airport till it was our time to check in. Our flight departed at around 330 in the afternoon. when we reached dubai it was around 1230 am. we roamed around the dubai airport till our next flight in 350 am of that night. Just a few moments after boarding i fell asleep from all the tiredness of traveling. After about 7 hours in flight, we reached Kuala Lumpur International Airport, which ended our trip, but 'I'm afraid' the memories will stay forever, so will the pictures :P

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