Friday 21 February 2014


Project 2

Week  3- Week 5

Staff Lounge/ Restroom

This project was to create a restroom of 6 by 6 for the Animators, where they can enjoy, relax and to let off steam..
The requirement was to produce 1 A1 presentation board digitally consisting of Floor plans, section, axonometric, mood board and Ideation.

The upgraded version of project 2


Project 1

Week 1 - Week 2

Animation Studio

The First Assignment for Design Project 1 was a group assignment, The whole class (8 people) together. This Assignment was about composing an A1 board with the Information of Animation and Animation studios. For this board, we all agreed that we wanted to have a very 3 Dimensional and Hands on board. This is what we came up with..

This board Consist of a Film reel of the History of Animation, The process of an Animation and the people involved in each stage, Types of Animation, Areas in an Animation studio and an old fashioned hands on Animator.

 The Spaces in an Animation Studio. Each door opens up to a different space

By keeping your eye on the hole and slowly rotating you would see A man and woman Dancing..

The types of Animation.

Week 3

Part two of the project was to create an Info graphic board using Computer base on the Animation Studio given to us. This was also a group project of 2 people. Me and Mahy got  Marvel Animation Studio.

In this board We have tried to bring the Originality of Marvel animation Studio, which is Marvel comics. So we organised the whole information and design to a comic theme.

The Third part of the Project one is to create a conceptual painting base on Style, Language, Inspiration and concept of marvel.

The Drawings Concept is Identity, its based on how the superheroes change their Identity from a normal human to a superhero. I used bright colours to show Pop style that marvel uses in their comic and the metal wires to show their mutated form of super powers.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Communication and Visualisation

Rapid Visualisation 

We did not have any class on week 2 as the class fell on a public holiday..

Week 3

This week we were given to Visualise what we did in our minor class. The Assignment given in minor class was to make a miniature model of a chair. This work had to be done in A3 size paper using pen and Marker.

This drawing is about the task of Minor Subject, which was to select a chair of a designer born after 1900's and the chair needs to relate to the design Assignment's concept and language. The chair I chose was 'The Well Transparent chair' by Ron Arad. The second task was to research on the Designer, followed by research of materials used in the chair and learning the construction method. and the next step would be to get the materials and start constructing..
The mistakes I did in this assignment was that I wrote MINOR as the title, instead it should have been the name of the chair, and the layout of the drawing is a little confusing, which needs to be improved.

Communication & Visualisation

Rapid Visualisation.

Week 1
Rapid visualisation is a technique of drawing to compose information with the use of Pictures, and help of words, arrows, numbers and shape. These exercises helps us express things in pictures rather than long essays and improve our drawing skills using Pen and Markers.
In every class we are given a class exercise with around 30 mins to finish. The first exercise given was to draw the Highlights of the holiday we just had in an A3 size paper, using only pen.

This rapid Visualisation shows the main activities I did during the semester break. Movies, shopping, fine dinning, putting together a sofa and the special visits to the visa processing office (which, by the way take hours of waiting to get to the number) to get back my passport.

After every class we are given a Homework to submit to next class, First week's homework was to visualise the essay we wrote for the Design subject about how to get Ideas and Inspirations in an A2 size paper

I have tried to draw the important points I mentioned in my essay on how to get ideas and inspiration. here is the essay I wrote

The main mistakes I made in this Assignment was that I did not number to the group of drawings. So any person other than me wouldn't know where the visualisation begins, and would be hard to make sense of the drawing. Also I haven't used any texts to explain what my drawing is about so it just looks like random pictures put together..

New Semester.. New Beginning..

3rd Semester.

With the beginning of this year I have started my Second year (3rd Semseter) as an Interior Architect student at UCSI. This is now the 7th week of the semester... 7 very busy sleepless weeks. I would be updating my blog with works I have done and is doing from time to time
I would be uploading pictures and information from all the subjects I am studying this semester which would be Design, Communication and Visualisation, IA Technology, IA Minor, Theories of IA and Digital Media.
My main goal with  this blog is for you readers to learn from my strengths and weaknesses, and also to improve my work from my Lecturers and your Constructive criticism.  So feel free to comment on my work and let me know where I need to work on :)