Thursday 20 February 2014

Communication & Visualisation

Rapid Visualisation.

Week 1
Rapid visualisation is a technique of drawing to compose information with the use of Pictures, and help of words, arrows, numbers and shape. These exercises helps us express things in pictures rather than long essays and improve our drawing skills using Pen and Markers.
In every class we are given a class exercise with around 30 mins to finish. The first exercise given was to draw the Highlights of the holiday we just had in an A3 size paper, using only pen.

This rapid Visualisation shows the main activities I did during the semester break. Movies, shopping, fine dinning, putting together a sofa and the special visits to the visa processing office (which, by the way take hours of waiting to get to the number) to get back my passport.

After every class we are given a Homework to submit to next class, First week's homework was to visualise the essay we wrote for the Design subject about how to get Ideas and Inspirations in an A2 size paper

I have tried to draw the important points I mentioned in my essay on how to get ideas and inspiration. here is the essay I wrote

The main mistakes I made in this Assignment was that I did not number to the group of drawings. So any person other than me wouldn't know where the visualisation begins, and would be hard to make sense of the drawing. Also I haven't used any texts to explain what my drawing is about so it just looks like random pictures put together..

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