Saturday 2 November 2013

Back to basics


Sketching interior Physical components

We were given to draw 9 chairs and 9 tables, that follows geometrical shapes like  cube, cuboid, cone, sphere and so on.
To draw these furniture we first had to draw the guide lines of the geometric shapes and draw the furniture along the guidelines. After drawing we needed to colour these furniture in colour pencil.
 While drawing these i tried to find interesting looking furnitures for both chairs and tables. The mistake i did when drawing these chairs was that i did not draw them facing front.

I received a grade of B- for the chairs and a B for the tables. I also got some comments for my tables drawing saying that i need to apply more colour and to darken the object shadow.


Sketching Human figures and plants 

The next assignment given in sketching was to draw human figures and trees and to render in pencil colour. We were suppose to draw at least 5 human figures and trees.
Human figure and plants
We also added more details like the tiles and grass on the floor and also the clouds in the sky.
I was given a B for this work and received a few comments which said that the proportion of trees and human are good,  I need to improve in pencil colour rendering and need to put in more details

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