Monday 4 November 2013

Stories to be told

Story Board

Story board Drawing

The story board consists of 6 different two point perspective views of the Artist studio. Each view needs to have human figure and everything in the view needs to be drawn according to the guide lines in pencil.
Draft Of Story Board
All the 6 drawings are then traced into tracing paper using ink without the guide lines, just the furniture and the human figure. Then arrows are added to show the order of the story with also a brief description of the view under it.

Story Board
I got a C+ for this work and things i needed to improve was the human figure and not to draw too complicated arrows. Also to fill the empty spaces in the drawings.

Story board rendering

The story board is photo copied on to marker paper and rendered in it by using marker and pencil colour for details. We needed to choose a colour scheme for the Artist studio and I chose blue and brown for the wood.
Rendering of Story Board
I received a grade of C for this Rendering. It seems that i choose a lot of brown which confused the lecturer what my colour scheme was. I was also told to improve on my human figure and to apply the shade and shadow of objects correctly.

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