Wednesday 30 October 2013

A whole new challenge

Two point perspectives

Estimating Line method

This was a new method of drawing perspectives that we learned in this semester.
two point perspectives means that in this drawing there would be two vanishing points.

before drawing a two point perspective, we are need to draw a grid. To draw this grid first we have to draw a two parallel line for eye level and ground level.
Then we need to set two points on the eye level for vanishing points, and two other points named Station Vanishing Point a.k.a SVP.
A lot of lines had to be drawn from these points to form a grid and to minimise confusion we were told to use different coloured pens for different points.
After forming the grid we had to choose any view we wanted to draw form the floor plan and draw it on the grid. I chose the kitchen.
Draft of two point perspective
To draw the final drawing of the two point perspective, we had to resize the image to fit into A3 paper and to be traced back into tracing paper by ink.
Two point perspective
I got 6/10 due to lack of details in my furniture. I was advised to refer books for examples of detailing and also to improve my line quality.

Photograph method

the next method of drawing two point perspective was the photograph method. we were asked to find 5 pictures of two point perspective and our lecturer Ms. Norji selected  the 2 best pictures for each of us. 
In this method, we had to find out where the vanishing points were of each picture and then draw the perspective view.
two point perspective
 I received a B+ for my first drawing and a B for the next and I was told to improve my line quality in both of my drawings.
two point perspective

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