Saturday 19 October 2013

The first week of semester 2

Orthographic Drawings

Floor Plans

The semester began with learning to draw Orthographic drawings.
The first assignment was to draw a Floor Plan of a given artist studio.
It had to be drawn in scale of 1:50 with drafting equipments.
Ground Floor Plan

The artist studio consists of a living area, kitchen, studio, utility, bathroom and a sleeping area on the mezzanine floor.

I was absent for the briefing of this assignment as I was down with the flu during the first week of college.
 This affected a lot while I tried to keep up with the coursework at home, as I was unable to clear the doubts that I had with the lecturer and this led to some mistakes in my drawing. Like, not knowing to draw the dotted lines on the staircase.

I got 6/10 for this assignment. Things I needed to improve according to my lecturer was to have different thickness of lines and also to improve quality of lines. 
Mezzanine Floor plan
This is the drawing of the mezzanine floor of the artist studio. For this drawing I received 7/10 and was told to improve on my line quality.

The hardest part of this assignment was to complete the writings on the right column of the paper. It is much harder than it looks.

Reflected Ceiling Plan (R.C.P)

This work was also given on the first week, and had to be done at home and be submitted on the next class. This assignment was actually easier than the rest as the plan had to be traced form the previous floor plan, saving a lot of time by not having to measure an draw the guide lines. The ceiling plan is traced from the ground floor plan and the other ceiling details are added.

As I was absent for the brief of this assignment I really didn't know what was happening in the plan.
I have drawn a lot of floor plans before in my previous semester, but this was my first ceiling plan and I had no idea what I was doing.

It is quite embarrassing to admit that I got only 5/10 for this assignment. I have never gotten such low marks before.

The main reason for the low marks of this assignment was because of my line quality. I really have to improve my line quality. The plan needed to have dimensions and I missed that, as I just copied what was in the brief given, and I just copied as it was. That is also the reason why the name of the drawing is also wrong. However I should have known if we are drawing a plan we need to give the dimensions, hope to never make that same mistake again.

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